Streamlining Waiters' Workflow in Restaurants

Travel & Hospitality
Java, Swift, PHP


A startup founder and owner of one of the most popular workflow automation for restaurants providers in Eastern, DoxInBox.


The customer faced several challenges in their business operations. They identified the need for a mobile application that could streamline various tasks for both restaurant guests and waiters. The challenges included inefficient reservation processes, manual order taking and payment handling, lack of real-time order status updates, and difficulties in managing waiter-guest communication.


To address these challenges, SDD Technology provided a comprehensive mobile application solution for both guests and waiters. For the guest application, we utilized Java for Android and Swift for iOS development to ensure a seamless user experience across platforms. The application incorporated several key features, including reservation management, electronic menus, secure payment processing, payment splitting, waiter call functionality, tip allocation, and real-time order status updates.

For the waiter application, we leveraged the power of Java for Android and Swift for iOS to create a robust and user-friendly platform. The application enabled waiters to receive and create orders, check-in guests, process payments, check chair availability, make reservations, and monitor order statuses in real-time.


The implementation of SDD Technology's mobile application brought significant improvements to the customer's restaurant workflow automation solution. With the guest application, restaurant patrons could easily reserve chairs, access electronic menus, make payments securely, split payments among multiple guests, call the waiter for assistance, leave tips, and track the status of their orders. This enhanced guest experience resulted in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

For the waiters, the application simplified order management, check-ins, payment processing, chair availability checks, and reservation handling. The real-time order status updates allowed waiters to efficiently serve guests, minimizing errors and enhancing overall service quality. As a result, waiters could better manage their tasks and provide a seamless dining experience.

Technologies and Tools

SDD Technology employed Java for Android and Swift for iOS development to create the mobile applications for guests and waiters, respectively. The back-end was powered by PHP, ensuring efficient data processing and communication between the applications and the server. This combination of technologies provided a robust, scalable, and secure foundation for the entire system.

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Streamlining Waiters' Workflow in Restaurants