Software Development Services for Startups


A Tech Partner for Startups & Startup Accelerators

SDD Technology is a software development agency with more than 10-year experience in web and mobile app development that helps young companies translate their disruptive ideas into market-ready software products.

If you are either a startup founder or a startup accelerator consultant looking for a reliable technical partner, we have exactly what you need. A team with extensive experience in creating and supporting a startup from idea to launch and development.

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e know how to develop a software startup and make it generate income and attract users. Through our experience in product management, marketing, and using flexible interaction models, we help our clients achieve success. We work hard to help our startup clients to reduce time to market, deliver minimum viable product (MVP) quickly and on budget, develop new product features, and maintain application according to its growth.

Our software development stages for startups:

Discovery phase:

  •  business analysis;
  • requirements engineering;
  • user experience design.

Product development:

  • user interface design;
  • front end development;
  • back end development;
  • mobile app development.

QA and maintenance:

  • product updates;
  • new features development;
  • software maintenance.
software development for startups

How We Can Help You


Product Prototyping

An interactive prototype and a minimally viable product (MVP) are two ways to demonstrate key features, product architecture, and create a more vivid presentation.

Build a Startup MVP

Minimum viable product (MVP) will allow you to get customer feedback at the initial stages, evaluate your business model and market, compose a product development plan and create the best solution.

Startup Product Development

Business modeling, requirements engineering, setting up business goals, UX/UI design are stages needed along the way to the product. We guarantee that your product meets your “now” needs, and with our solid technological base, we may scale as required.

Startup Rescue Mission

We rebuild, optimize or upgrade your product. We offer code audits with a development plan, adding new features, or even replacing the entire application if improvements are insufficient.

Product Evolution

We take over UX testing, redesign,  further development of your product version. We start by auditing the code and architecture and move on to improving and developing the product.

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Outsourcing software development for startups

We provide a full cycle of software development services for startups. Our project managers, business developers, and software development team are ready to help you to create a top-notch software product.

So how do we make software startups?

  • We analyze user flows and make the customer journey map;
  • We work under wireframes to provide the best user experience;
  • We design UI, product architecture, and requirements for app features;
  • We make an interactive prototype that you can test just like a regular web and mobile app;
  • We work sprint by sprint delivering new versions of your products and adjusting the roadmap to circumstances;
  • We provide QA and testing to ensure that your app is ready to go to market;
  • We provide a 6-month guarantee for our services and fix any errors or bugs absolutely free.
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software development partner for startup accelerators

Help your startups grow their products, and our development teams will take care of the technical background.
SDD Technology is your dedicated technical partner thanks to our well-established product development workflow.

We have experience in creating more than 200 mobile and web applications, which confirms our expertise. We know how to test a business idea with minimal costs, analyze the results and metrics and quickly respond to events, updating the product and developing it.

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Our Benefits



Our over 10 years of experience make us not only a reliable technical partner but also a partner to help you choose better business models and monetization methods for successful build your business.

Budget-Friendly Solution

We make the best choices within your budget to achieve the best results at the lowest cost, stay within budget, and achieve the best ROI.

Wow design

We make the user experience so intuitive that it makes it easy for customers to interact with the product, and we make it so awesome that your competitors will envy you.

Flexible and transparent process

We use transparent methods of tracking project progress and flexible development methodologies that we adapt to the needs of your business and it gives you to easily track all development processes.


We provide an architectural solution in advance that will allow you to scale quickly and avoid critical issues with a sharp increase in the load on both servers and infrastructure.


We pay great attention to the quality of the software at every stage, and we provide a 6-month warranty for our professional support to fix any bugs or errors absolutely free.
Your Next Step
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Do you have more questions?



What are the challenges of technology outsourcing for startups?

  1. Project control and transparency
    We provide clients with daily reports indicating what was done, the status and progress of the project, as well as all the expenses. Also, they can get access to the developer's monitoring system and track the project in real-time if they wish.
  2. Organizational and regional cultural differences
    After more than 10 years of working with customers in all continents and more than 30 countries, we understand cultural peculiarities and are custom-tailored to the needs of customers.
  3. Language and communication problems
    We provide every customer with a personal manager who speaks one of the five popular languages in the world and in this way we reduce language barriers with the customers.
  4. Intellectual property and data security
    At SDD, we provide our clients with an international official agreement that guarantees their intellectual property rights to the outcomes.

How can we find the right software development company for startups?

  1. The company should not only know how to develop the product, but also understand how to promote it and how to increase the product's performance.
  2. A startup software company is your technical partner, it should be easy to talk to and they need to be interested in your success.
  3. Check the geographic location, eastern Europe is one of the best places for outsourcing, they have very low prices and very high-quality technical skills.
  4. Check what services they provide, who's on their team. The presence of a business analyst and product manager shows that they have a rigorous approach to product development.

Contact us for a free consultation


How do you start a tech startup as a non-technical person?

Well, it's too hard to start a tech startup as a non-tech person.
But first, we recommend everyone read these books:

  1. Lean Startup
  2. Mom test

Here you can find very useful information on how to start any business, how to test hypotheses, and how to do customer development.

You can also contact us to get professional tech-startup consultancy services.


How many developers are needed for a tech startup?

Well, it depends on your project and the stage you are at.

As a rule of thumb, any project needs a:

  1. UX/UI designer
  2. Backend developer
  3. Frontend or mobile developer

That is why the startup does not start with product development, but starts from the analysis of the market and identifying the need and requirements of a specific target audience.